At LuMin we begin the story of faith where you are. And where you are is a complex, beautiful, oftentimes challenging road. Jesus spent most of his time being with people, where they were at, talking about their lives and showing them that where they are, God also is.
He talked about the God being present, in the mess and wonder of life. He sat around tables, eating food, inviting everyone to join him in imagining a world where there are no longer insiders and outsiders, no longer us vs them. no longer living with fear of scarcity, judgement,
It's strange that Christianity took Jesus’ teachings of here, and now and everyone and turned it into a story about where you go after you die. who get's in, who is good enough to earn love.
And so we invite you to join us, in simple but radical ways to reground your life where it is. To sit around tables where strangers become friends, where all are welcome, and where you begin to see your story, not as one where you find God, but where you begin to see that God never needed to be found, that God is in, with, under, above, every moment. And in every moment, God is calling us to envision and enact the Good News, that everyone belongs, everyone is loved, and everyone has gifts to share with the world.