Thanks for including LuMin's in your La Crosse Area Synod's Congregational Report! We appreciate your support!
Click the button below to download the PDF file. Email with any issues or questions.
2024 lumin's Congregational annual report
Thanks for including LuMin's in your La Crosse Area Synod's Congregational Report! We appreciate your support!
Click the button below to download the PDF file. Email with any issues or questions.
2024-25 LuMin sunday resources
Thanks for considering hosting Pastor Kathryn for a "LuMin Sunday" your La Crosse Area Synod's congregation. Below you will find resources to help support LuMin's presence in your congregation, including liturgical resources around this year's theme, giving information, and bulletin/screen resources.
For additional information or support on logistics, please email
For worship planning, please coordinate with Pastor Kathryn:
2024-25 Theme: God's Presence at the Threshold
This year's theme for LuMin Sunday's is "God's Presence at the Threshold." LuMin is a unique ministry in that it serves a transient and liminal population. This population is a "threshold" time in their life - a moment where they are crossing over from where they've been into where they are going.
Scripture Texts
When possible, we ask to use this pre-selected Gospel text: John 20: 1-18.
Optional text: Psalm 46 (preferred to be read responsively or by a lay member).
Click the button to download!
Prayer Options
Prayer options include: prayer of the day and intercessory prayers. Please feel free to adapt these to your local congregation.
Click the button to download!
Giving Information
Congregations can encourage giving to LuMin in multiple ways:
1. Gifts can be given to the congregation with "Lutheran Campus MInistry" in the memo line". The congregation then writes one check to send to LuMin.
2. Individual checks should be made out to "Lutheran Campus Ministry"
3. Securely through our website. the QR code is attached below.
4. Noisy offering: many congregations have dedicated the "LuMin Sunday" offering to LuMin.
PLEASE NOTE: All checks should be written to "Lutheran Campus Ministry" and sent directly to LuMin (1334 Pine Street, La Crosse, WI 54601).